Animation job recruitment with FX Animations

Looking for multimedia jobs? You have landed at the right place.

We at Fx Animation lay emphasis on animation jobs recruitment so that our students can showcase their talent they have grown immensely and acquired their skills at Fx animation. We take great pride in providing the ultimate animation placements support to our students so that they can take a step further in their career.

Our animation placements support takes on various activities to make each student liable to get the right job in the animation industry, including:

  • Live Projects to Work
  • CV Building Workshops
  • English Workshops
  • Mock Interviews
  • Support to Prepare Best Portfolio

With a plethora of companies out there hunting the right talent for VFX jobs, it seems so clear why the need for people with a creative bent of mind has popped up. Considering this, our expert faculties with relevant experience under their belt impart much-needed skills and knowledge to students looking to scale heights of success with our animation placements support.

We help you give a kick start to your career by providing you with jobs in VFX, game designing and many more.